Lydia Luce


Dark River

Self-Released, 2021


Listen to Dark River

A Nashville multi-instrumentalist with a resume that includes working with artists as diverse as Dolly Parton and Eminem, Lydia Luce offers a sophomore solo record here, where a unique landscape brings in influences from classical, chamber, orchestral and indie-rock ideas.

“Occasionally” starts the listen with a mysterious, inviting atmosphere as Luce’s intimate and alluring vocals guide the light drums and emotive climate of subdued beauty, and “Dark River” follows with an upbeat energy of melodic roots rock that’s both eloquent and powerful.

Further on, “Never Been Good” thumps with a warm retro-rock flavor where some of the best singing on the album resides, while “Maybe In Time” lands in ballad territory with a dreamy, sublime display of incredible song craft. “Somehow”, a truly exceptional track, then showcases cinematic strings alongside a poetic quality where Luce’s classical training really shines.

Approaching the end is “Stones”, which pairs expressive piano with Luce’s diverse pipes amid much vulnerability as strategic strings enter, and “Just The Same” exits the listen with an incredibly moving, even cathartic finish of majestic song craft.

A very impressive sophomore listen, Luce puts her own inimitable spin on the traditional sounds from her hometown, where her melancholic storytelling unfolds with very graceful, stirring and inventive arrangements that you can’t but admire.

Travels well with: Brooke Annibale- Hold To The Light; Emily Jane White- Ode To Sentience